XXVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 06-10, 2020, Moscow
Author's Index
Author: Reyno V.V. (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)
List of reports:
- Loboda E.L., Agafontsev M.V., Matvienko O.V., Reyno V.V.
Analysis of the gas streaming in a diffusion flame using the IR thermography method
- Loboda E.L., Kasymov D.P., Agafontsev M.V., Tarakanova V.A., Martynov P.S. , Reyno V.V., Gordeev E.V. , Orlov K.E., Savin K.V., Dutov A.I.
Some results of seminatural researches of small seat of wildland fire
- Loboda E.L., Agafontsev M.V., Loboda Yu.A., Klimentiev A.S., Reyno V.V.
Effects of pressure pulsations on liquid fuel combustion characteristics